Bird-Slamming: The Truth
I work in an office building which has a lot of large windows - huge windows in fact.In the six years that I have worked there, it has become difficult to ignore the phenomemon that is birds slamming into the windows.
(This used to happen fairly infrequently, a couple of times a year perhaps, but in the last year or so I have noted a surge in the numbers. Nowadays, it seems as though almost every working day we see at least one bird-slam incident.)
What Happens During A Bird-Slam.
There is usually no warning when a bird is about to slam the window!.In the moments just before the slam, everything is normal:
Then, suddenly, from nowhere, this happens:
Occasionally, there is a double slam incident:
But why is this happening? And why is it suddenly happening more and more frequently?
I've been giving the matter some thought, and,
I think I Know What's Going On:
(the end)
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